New Tech is Changing Law

SA hosts Legal Innovation and Tech Fest A two-day technology and innovation festival will take place in Johannesburg on June 10 and 11 – introducing new ideas and spotlighting change in the legal sector.

The Legal Innovation & Tech Fest, hosted by The Eventful Group, has been born out of ongoing discussion with at least 75 lawyers, business leaders and representatives of organisations working in law across Africa.

Topics focus on how technology is changing a sector that is traditionally conservative, but which plays the central role in shaping democracy and ensuring economies thrive. These include:

- Deriving value from data

- Block chain

- Rethinking business models

- Artificial intelligence

- Cybersecurity

- Innovation: drivers, barriers and opportunities.

Speakers come from across the globe and include tech experts, lawyers embracing tech and business people. On the programme are:

- Stephen Okelo-Odongo, Chief Operations Officer for LexisNexis in South Africa who will talk on “The Future of Reputation”;

- Munya Gwanzura, head of Dispute Resolution for Barloworld (South Africa), who will explain how the legal department in his company is embracing new technology;

- Carel de Jager, a consultant from the Blockchain Academy (South Africa) will answer the question “Do Lawyers Need to Code?”;

- Warren Hero, the Chief Information Officer for Webber Wentzel (South Africa), will analyse a case study of how legal services can be reimagined by using Artificial Intelligence;

- Soibi Ovia, a partner with Duale, Ovia & Alex-Adedipe (Nigeria) will explain how, in Nigeria, the business of law is being transformed using technology.

Wendy Bampton, co-founder of Africa Legal, which is one of the media sponsors for the event, said technology was changing the legal sector very quickly.

“Even in the one-year-plus since the launch of Africa Legal we have witnessed new ways of doing things and new technologies have become available. To stay abreast of these developments those working in the legal sector need to keep informed. Events like this provide an opportunity to see what new technology is on the table and how it links to the legal sector.”

Tickets are now available for the event, which is taking place at The Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg. Africa Legal has collaborated with the Eventful Group to bring our community members and supporters a 50% discount on ticket prices. To book your place please follow the link below and enter the coupon code AFRICALEGAL as part of your registration.

The full conference agenda is available here.