Africa Legal has been live and online for nine months and, in that time, we have interviewed a vibrant list of inspiring legal movers and shakers.
Our editorial team – now consisting of Kingsley, Tania, Greg, Ife and Carol – are experienced journalists or work in law and governance. The articles we have written this year covered the continent and dealt with an array of specialisms and people. Every article we have published has attracted diverse attention reflecting the dynamic nature of online journalism. However, the most read pieces give insight in the topics that really matter to African legal professions and students and the evolving legal market.
Top 10 most read articles of 2018
At number 1 is our interview with Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, the author of the seminal work The Land is Ours. This interview has consistently been the most popular read on the Africa Legal website for 2018. Advocate Ngcukaitobi’s conversation with us gave insight into his decade-long research for the book which is about African thinking on equality, human rights, land ownership and the laws associated with them. Read is here
- An overview on specialisms and why targeted knowledge is increasingly the norm for African lawyers is our second most popular read. This article introduced a series by South African business writer and former deputy editor of Durban’s Sunday Tribune, Greg Arde. Greg spoke to lawyers in several countries about their specific expertise and why they chose the route they did. Read it here
Today’s youth will be the generation that propels Africa into a future where the continent can build on the struggles of its forebears and, among them, it will be the lawyers who guide the way. Africa Legals’ Nigeria correspondent Ugochuckwu Kingsley Ani spoke to young lawyers and law student leaders from across the country about their lives, democracy and what inspires them. The result has been a series of fascinating interviews about a generation determined to make Nigeria one of the world’s great nations. His interview with Kenneth Okwor from Templars Law Firm is our third most popular read of the year. Read it here
How women approach and apply the law has been the subject of a series by veteran South African journalist Tania Broughton. Tania, who has joined the Africa Legal team, has been a journalist for more than 30 years – most of that time in the courts. As part of her series on women working in law, she spoke to Ozim Obasi, the Geomarket Counsel, East and Central Africa for Baker Hughes, a GE company. This interview remains a popular read for 2018. Read it here
It is inevitable a touch of celebrity and the world of entertainment would catch the eye of our internet surfing readers! The interview with lawyer Olayemi Oladapo, the licensing officer for Mavin Records in Nigeria, and the person who deals with celebrities across the continent certainly put a new spin on a career in law and once again demonstrates the value in specialising early in your career! This interview with Carol Campbell, our editor, is enormously popular mainly because it gives insight into the burgeoning entertainment industry in Africa – one that is increasingly catching the eye of the legal world. Read it here
Inspiration and determination continues to grab our audience who are still loving the article on new Cambridge University graduate Ajebodunde Ajenifuja. In the interview Bodunde, who graduated from the University of Lagos before heading to the UK, outlined his interest in commercial law and the role lawyers can play in Africa’s commercial development. This Q&A with a person who gives so much of himself to others, is an uplifting and motivating read! Read it here
- The African Legal awards in September – of which Africa Legal was a partner – recognised talent across the continent. Our wrap of the event, by Tania, is a comprehensive summary of the evening and the winners and is still being widely shared. Read it here
- The Madiba Magic was at work again in our introductory piece for our Youth Series which is the eighth most shared article of the year. It highlights how lawyers have led the fight for freedom in Africa and how it will be lawyers who continue to lead on issues of governance and democracy. Read this piece here
- Kunle Ajagbe, co-founder of Aidan Partners in Lagos, is one of the big names in Nigerian law and, in an interview with Ife Ogunbufunmi, he talked about the importance of values and integrity for lawyers. Read about him here
- Africa Legal was a sponsor of the University of Cape Town’s Moot Court competition which included universities from across the continent. The report of the event is enormously popular showing that young lawyers and law students are engaged and interested in the legal issues of all countries. Read more here
Our diary for 2019 is filling up fast and we looking forward to cementing our position as the leading news, education and jobs platform for the African legal community.
Our world is about informing, supporting, linking and enriching our audience. If you work in law or are interested in law in Africa – Africa Legal is where you need to be!
To read more Africa focused legal news click here
Note from our Founders
A huge thank you to our incredible editorial team who have provided consistency high quality content over the course of 2018. They have given inspirational indiviuals on the continent and around the world a platform and the voice that is required to really drive visibility and change. We look forward growing our team further in 2019.
We also wish our community a huge thank you. Your support has helped to grow Africa Legal significantly. We have more exciting announcements to make in 2019 and we look forward to sharing them with you.
Wendy Bampton and Scott Cowan